
In May 2014, I went “wwoo­fing” for the first time. I wis­hed for a new expe­ri­ence, get to know the peo­p­le living in the coun­try I’m tra­vel­ling to, see things from a dif­fe­rent point of view… and I wis­hed to impro­ve my Danish lan­guage skills:) I didn’t know what it would be like; I was just curious about what this adven­tur­ous idea would bring. But what I expe­ri­en­ced was far bey­ond all my expec­ta­ti­ons!

A won­derful host-fami­ly wel­co­med me at their cosy hou­se and beau­tiful farm. From day one I felt as a part of the who­le and beca­me inclu­ded in the dai­ly rou­ti­ne, alt­hough I was quite unex­pe­ri­en­ced in farm work… But they put so much fri­end­ly con­fi­dence into my abili­ties-! I quick­ly beca­me fami­li­ar to the work with the strong cows and the char­ming cal­ves. For about two weeks, my world was tur­ning around the jersey’s mil­king and fee­ding rhythm and the needs of the sea­son.

I met some very nice and down-to-earth peo­p­le the­re – it was so much fun and such a valuable exch­an­ge of ide­as! Healt­hy and deli­cious food sur­roun­ded me all day… I tasted the best bread and cheese ever… and got to know inte­re­st­ing recipes that I will keep in mind.

AND, of cour­se, my host fami­ly tal­ked in Danish to me:) I was so glad about their pati­ence and encou­ra­ge­ment! It’s a dif­fi­cult lan­guage, and yet I hadn’t been lear­ning it for a long time, but I enjoy­ed all the con­ver­sa­ti­ons – the Danish as well as the Eng­lish ones!

I was so, so lucky by having been the­re, and I hoped to return one day – and until then, I would con­ti­n­ue my Danish les­sons…:)


The reuni­on actual­ly took place in sep­tem­ber 2014 alre­a­dy! A fri­end of the fami­ly saw the pho­tos I took from the farm, and he invi­ted me to his vil­la­ge near­by, Søn­der-Fel­ding, to take pic­tures from this beau­tiful place. I felt abso­lut­e­ly hono­red and lucky again — and tra­vel­led to Den­mark once more.

And in June 2015, I enjoy­ed show­ing the area to my fri­end Andre­as Eber­le (and took some new pho­tos again of cour­se:))