Black Forest Milky Way

“The young and the aged”

Rising mil­ky way abo­ve a young tree and over the land­scape in Black Forest. 💛

This was my first night for shoo­ting the mil­ky way in 2018. The first spot, peak of a slo­pe that I had been hiking up, I fled becau­se of wild boar. Real­ly cree­py to hear their grun­ting if you’­re out the­re all alo­ne, about one kilo­me­ter away from the car. The second spot was per­fect. I fell in love with this small young tree and deci­ded to give it a cen­tral posi­ti­on on the pano. So deli­ca­te beneath the vast, bil­li­on years old mil­ky way. I stay­ed out the­re for about 5 hours, did­n’t want to lea­ve while the mil­ky way still loo­ked so beau­tiful. Went home at dawn! At this point, it’s abso­lut­e­ly won­derful to be out the­re all alo­ne, wit­hout someone asking you to go home, or tal­king, or bothe­ring you in any way. It’s com­ple­te free­dom.