
Summer 2018.

I was very late to plan our sum­mer holi­days. As my only few free weeks were in August, as this is the main holi­day sea­son and I usual­ly dis­li­ke to join the tou­rist masses, and as I was very busy with seve­ral pro­jects befo­re, I delay­ed “sum­mer holi­days” until the­re were only few days left. The­re was a decis­i­on to make, other­wi­se we would stay at home. I love my neigh­bour con­try France and I lon­ged for spen­ding some time the­re again, but August is abso­lut­e­ly no time to go to France becau­se of the abo­ve-men­tio­ned main holi­day sea­son. So I loo­ked for places in France that I had never con­side­red as a vaca­ti­on desti­na­ti­on befo­re. And for the first time, I con­sul­ted Airbnb. Wow, what love­ly finds in remo­te are­as!! I was lucky to dis­co­ver a per­fect hou­se in a love­ly vil­la­ge named Bles­le with gre­at hosts. A per­fect area, away from tou­rists, a spot-on loca­ti­on for over­work­ed peo­p­le like me 😉 During my search, I had also kept loo­king at the light pol­lu­ti­on map, in case the­re would be some clear nights… and what can I say. Our 7‑days stay offe­red 2 clear nights — new moon had alre­a­dy pas­sed a week ago, but the mil­ky way was still won­derful­ly visi­ble. We also enjoy­ed some hiking through the hills and forests, and the fact that we met abso­lut­e­ly no one on two lon­ger tours was spoo­kily beau­tiful. The small and nar­row vil­la­ge Bles­le we lived in was char­ming. I’m sure that it was­n’t the last time I went the­re. I think I’m a litt­le bit in love.


And for the first time, I tried some com­po­sings. Usual­ly, I’m not so much into com­po­sings. But I real­ly had to try the­se two ones! The river fore­ground was taken by day­ti­me, the sky later on a hig­her place near­by. The cast­le ruin was taken at night, the abo­ve mil­ky way two nights befo­re at ano­ther spot, becau­se in rea­li­ty, the mil­ky way won’t be in that posi­ti­on.

So the­se sce­neries are mira­ge… it never was that way and never will be. And I don’t mind. It’s a spe­cial form of crea­ting! I real­ly would like to fur­ther deve­lop my refer­ring skills